Savings Rates

Primary Savings, Club Account & IRA Savings Rates

Account TypeBalanceDividend Rate/Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
Primary Savings$50+0.15%
Christmas Club0.20%
IRA Savings$50+0.15%

Rates are subject to change.

Money Market Rates

Account TypeBalanceDividend Rate/Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
Money Market$2,000-$4,999.99
$100,000 - $249,999.991.00%
$250,000 & Up3.75%

Rates are subject to change.

Certificate of Deposit Rates

Min $500
Min $500
Min $50,000
Min $50,000
Min $100,000
Min $100,000
6 Months1.98%2.00%2.08%2.10%2.18%2.20%
12 Months2.47%2.50%2.57%2.60%2.67%2.70%
24 Months2.57%2.60%2.67%2.70%2.76%2.80%
36 Months2.67%2.70%2.76%2.80%2.86%2.90%
60 Months2.76%2.80%2.86%2.90%2.96%3.00%

Certificate of Deposit Specials

Minimum And Term Dividend Rate
4-month Certificate ($10,000 in new money required) 4.40 % APY*
12-month Certificate ($500 minimum deposit) 4.25 % APY*
23-month Certificate ($10,000 in new money required) 4.20 % APY*

Rates are subject to change.

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. This schedule is incorporated as part of your account agreement with AdventHealth Credit Union. Each Member is federally insured up to $250,000 by the NCUA (National Credit Union Administration), a U.S. Government agency. Fees and other conditions may reduce earnings on the account. Early withdrawal penalties may apply to Certificates of Deposit. All rates are subject to change without notice. The rate contracted for all certificates will remain in effect for the entire term of the certificate. Certificates will be automatically renewed at the prevailing rate upon maturity. Additional deposits are not permitted during the term of investment. Interest is credited monthly. Dividend increase applies to new or renewal certificates less than 24 months/24 months or greater.

For interest-bearing accounts and dividend-bearing term share accounts, the period for which the annual percentage yield is accurate is 1/1/2025. For dividend-bearing accounts other than term share accounts, the annual percentage yield is accurate as of 1/1/2025.