Multi-Factor Authentication

On February 3, 2025, AHCU will roll out an enhanced login procedure for Online and Mobile Banking, containing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA provides an additional security layer to digital banking, ensuring your financial data is safe and secure.

MFA features a second step to your login, to further verify your identity.  It’s quick, easy and secure. When you log in, after providing your username and password, a one-time code will be sent to you via text or email (you choose). You must enter the correct PIN to access your accounts.

When you choose whether you would like to receive the code by text or email, you can also choose to register the device you are logging in from. If you are logging in from a personal phone or computer, registering the device will prevent you from needing to receive a one-time code on subsequent logins.

Please make sure you have the most up-to-date email address and cell phone number on file with the credit union. You can verify, and update, your contact information within Online Banking or by calling Member Services.

Please remember, never share your one-time code with anyone. We will never contact you and ask you to provide us with your log-in one-time code.


Do I need to do anything to prepare?
Please make sure the credit union has your correct email address and phone number on file. Starting February 3, 2025, you’ll be prompted to set up MFA during your first login.

What if I do not have my phone with me?
You can use an alternate verification method like email to receive your code.

How do I receive the one-time verification code?
When you log into Online or Mobile Banking, you’ll be asked to authenticate your identity with a one-time code that you can select to receive by text or email. From the menu presented to you, choose an email address or phone number associated with your account to receive your one-time code. We’ll text or email you the code at either the phone number or email address on file with us. Then, look for the code on your phone or in your inbox. Finally, enter the code in the security window.