Loan Payment Options

We strive to make sure that managing and paying your loan is quick, easy and secure. We offer a variety of ways to make your loan payment, so you can choose what works best for you.
- Online or Mobile Banking: Transfer from your AHCU Checking or Savings to your loan (set up automatic recurring transfers to save time!).
- Transfer from an External Account: You can move money from an external account into your AHCU Checking or Savings through Online or Mobile Banking. Then, you can pay your loan with those funds by transferring to your loan.
- Pay by Card: Pay your loan with a Debit Card from another financial institution through our Online Banking Portal. Choose from one-time or recurring payments.
- Bill Pay: Use the Bill Pay service from your other financial institution to send payments to your AHCU loan.
- Pay by Mail: You can mail loan payments to AdventHealth Credit Union at 351 S State Road 434, Suite #1009, Altamonte Springs FL 32714. Please include your account number and Loan ID on the check. (please do not mail cash)
- Pay In-Branch: Make a loan payment by cash or check at either AHCU branch.
- Mobile Deposit: You can deposit a check through the mobile app. Once the check has cleared, you can transfer those funds to your loan.
If you have any questions, or need assistance with your loan, please contact us.